Frequently Asked Questions

When are offers due?

The deadline to submit offers on the property is Friday, May 9, 2025 at noon.

Where should offers be submitted?

All offers should be sent to Randy Thomas at Insite Commercial.

  • By Email
  • By Mail:
    Insite Commercial
    C/O Randy Thomas
    1111 W. Oakley Park, Suite 220,
    Commerce Township, MI 48390

How should offers be submitted?

Prospective Purchasers should complete and submit the following documents:

  • The Purchase Agreement template found HERE

Will offers be accepted for a portion of the property only?

All offers will be considered, however WLCS will only strongly consider those for a purchase of the entire property.

What title company will be used and what is the minimum deposit amount required?

The title company will be First American Title and the minimum deposit required is $50,000.

What is taken into consideration to be considered?

Several factors will be considered in making the final decision by WLCS. These factors include:

  • Price
  • Cash or financing payment method to buy the land
  • Intended use
  • Likelihood of receiving zoning approval for intended use
  • Duration of due diligence period and approval timelines
  • Track record of purchaser(s)

Please note, Broker may make recommendations, but it will be WLCS’s final decision on who eventually purchases the property.

When will possible purchaser(s) be notified of being selected as a potential buyer of the property?

Prospective purchaser(s) will be notified on or before June 15, 2025 if they or other potential purchasers have met WLCS’s selection criteria. It may be possible that WLCS may elect to select more than one purchaser and counter the offers during the selection process. In such an event, final offers from the prospective purchasers will be requested.

What is the current zoning of the property?

The property is currently zoned CS – Community Service, and the zoning ordinance can be found here. For more information on zoning, please contact the City at (248) 624-4847.

What information relating to property surveys, studies and due diligence will be available prior to making offers?

Over the years WLCS has done some, but not all, of the type of due diligence a purchaser would want to know before purchasing the property. That information can be found at It will be the responsibility of each purchaser to do their own due diligence and rely on their own studies before buying the property, as the available studies done by WLCS may have changed over the years and should be only used as guidance and purchasers should not rely on them for total accuracy.

Are there any restrictions or environmental concerns on the property?

Yes, a Restrictive Covenant has been recorded with the Oakland County Register of Deeds, and WLCS’s documents
relating to this can be found HERE.

How can I obtain more information on the property?

Please visit for more information, contact Randy Thomas at Insite Commercial at (248) 359-9000 ext. 9 or email at